Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome To The M-Cats Club

Come on in!

This club is for ManCats to hang out, have some fun, help others, and go on some wonderful Adventures!

To Join just leave a Comment and we'll add you to the Club!

Kashim & Othello are helping with the Logo and Badges. Rocky, at Artsy Catsy came up with the name.

We also have a M-Cats-In-Training Group, for Cats under 1 Year old.

Thanks for stopping by!
Mr. Tigger From Cat-Lands

(Scroll down for Today's Post)

Need A M-Cat Club Member Badge?
Please send your headshot to Kashim & Othello at catboys @ - we will try to respond as quick as possible with your badge. Please do also tell if you are a M-Cat or a M-Cat-in-training! Thanks!

Birthday and Gotcha Days

Please leave your Birthday and/or Gotcha Day in the Comment Section HERE!


Kimo and Sabi said...

We totally want to join! No gurlz allowed...right?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Finally a place where I can come and get away from the girls (Scylla & Charybdis) for awhile. Not that I don't love them mind you, but they are very energetic and talkative.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We would like to join! Well, Merlin isn't a Mancat yet, but he's a Mancat-in-training.


Parker said...

Can my brother Rudy join? He needs a better hobby than chasing me all of the time!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, sounds like fun! Fur the kittens, is it kinda like Boy Scouts, wif grown leaders guidin youngsters in impawtant lessons? That could be fun!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we would love to join!!
Sammy and Miles

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WE think this is a very cool club. Caesar would have yowwwled with pride to be part of this and we are just completely honored that this club was started in his memory.

purrrs of gratitude
Princess and Rosemary

Mickey's Musings said...

Count me in.
Purrs Mickey

PB 'n J said...

Oh oh! Bert and I want to join! Please?!

Jake and Bert

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We'd like to join too.
Purrs Eric and Flynn

Artsy Catsy said...

By all means count me in, and Fracas and Ivan and Oscar and Fred, too! It'll be so great that we Artsy Catsy mancats can stop the M-Cats Club after work and have a nip with the guys!!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We both want to join! Woohoo! We are so excited for the M-Cats club!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Pls add me...I'm tired of being accused of picking on my sisters...I need to be with the guys!!!!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I need to join, I gotta have a place to go to get away from my sisfurs! Not dat I don't love dem, and dey really are a joy to be around...most of da time.~Speedy

Kavan said...

I want to join! I guess I need to be a mancat in training, I'll be 1 year in March!



Oh yeah finally a place just for us mancats...our own cave...we can't wait to join in.

Ping and Jinx

Chance said...

Iz wanna be a m-cat-in-twainin! Iz only 8 munths but Iz gonna be a m-cat sumday an I needs da pwactise.


Tybalt said...

Hurray! It's up!

Tigger, you can definitely count me in!

Anonymous said...

We are so there! Finally, somebody appreciates our ManCat-ness. Will we get badges and secret codes and stuff?

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Thanks everyone for joining! We are going to have a lot of fun.
Mr. Tigger

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

I want to join to I am a real man of 17 years old

Mu shue

LZ said...

Well I totally have to join!


Just Ducky said...

Sign me up guys!

The Crew said...

Tigger, Max and I want to join the M-Cat Club! What a great idea. We need a place to relax and get away from our sisters and their constant chatter about the latest designs in collars and whose boyfriend is more handsome.


Unknown said...

ooo, i wanna join! I have 2 sisters that so totally don't get mancat stuff. ROAR!

Conner Cloud

Daisy said...

I am a girlcat just sneaking in to see what the boys are up to. Heehee!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Hey Mister Tigger... Man Cats Rule - Demon Spawn Kittens Drool.

Me and Braum and Merlin would love to join in and also if you must, that brat Rimbaud will be a year old in April.

No Girls! Woohoo! At least we are not outnumbered anymore - it's 4 and 4!

And now with the M Cat Club! Yes - a Man Place! Cool!

Purrs - Sorry we have not been around at all... some unexciting things happening around here!

Purrs - Zed Monster

Chrissie said...

I'm in!

Monty Q. Kat said...

DUDES. Let me in! :D

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Please, please, please let me take part. I may be a little rough around the edges, being out here in the bush but I can have a nip and swagger around like any city cat.


The Cat Realm said...

I love it!!! Yes, I want to join! And to dedicate this club to Caesar is such a wonderful idea!!! Like Merlin Emil needs to be in the M-cats-in-Training Group, he is only 7 month old (and bigger and heavier than me already!!!)
Ohhhh - this cries PARTY!!!!
Thank you for this, Mr. Tigger!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

hey, i wanna be in the Club. my sister is very annoying lately and i'd like to have a place to go and have peace

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow! This is awesome! Bendrix and I love the idea of a M-Cats Club. We are honored that you invited us to join.

Caesar will always be a part of this and I love that. He was teh ideal Mancat/

Pet and The Bengal Brats said...

Tigger, SirWoody, and The biggest brat SonnyBob would like to join.

Kaz's Cats said...

Wow, this is a great idea Tigger. I'd like to join, so I can hang out with some mancats once in a while,



Leona said...

I want to join! Finally a place where I can be without Sultanfus smacking me in the head! -Guy

Anonymous said...

Yes! We want to join!! In the middle of everything going on I forgot to tell you we, Bubbles and I, would LOVE to join the M-Cats Club!

We send you photos tomorrow.

WOW, this is GREAT!!

Bubbles & Ruis

Hot(M)BC said...

I want to join! The laser eyes finally knocked out "Bizzy" enough that I could get over here to tell you. Phew. Maybe we need to figure out how us guys can get super duper laser eyes.
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

I would love to join your club Tigger! With two sisters I need to have some good buddies to hang out with.

Your pal,

DK & The Fluffies said...

Dude, you let a chick join, so does a ManBun get to join? ~Lando Bun

Unknown said...

I want to join. I'm an man cat in training, cuz I'm about 9 months old. Just me, though, Mike's a lady cat in trainin', so she has to go find her own club. heehee.

Peanut said...

I want to join. What a good idea.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Sol and Smokey said...
Count us in, okay. We are huge mancats in training and we want to join.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Thank you so much for inviting us to be your M-cat club. We are just honored to be here and look forward to visiting with old friends and making some new ones.

You have a wonderful place here; your attention to detail is just puuuuurfect. We think we will go have a drink now, maybe a snack and then curl up in front the of the tv. Oh but which one? They all look fantastic!

It is such a nice place here, that we might not go home! Hehehehehe!
Opus and Roscoe

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Me wants to join! Angie can find her own gyrl club.
Beau Beau

Lux said...

Does it mean I'm not manly if'n I'm not into sports???

Milton said...

Right - ON!!
We man cats need a place where we can lets out fur down and just be the he-cats we are.

Count me IN.

snowforest said...

We wud like to join too ~ me Snow the mighty mancat of the SnowForest fambly and Leo who is a mancat-in-training!

Ingrid said...

Arthur wants to join too, he doesn't meow english only french (his dutch he forgot) so I am his interpretor and typist. Can you tell me what day he should come to play cards with the others and have a beer ?

Unknown said...

Me is Goma!! Hai thankz for the invites!! Me want to join!! me is mancat and me can has mancat friends!!

MaoMao said...

Oh Kool Beanies! Sign me up -- this sounds like fun, a Mancat Clubbie!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Brainball said...

Sign me up, too! I am a proud Alpha Cat Mancat!

Rumbly purrs from Brainball.

Unknown said...

Well, maybe we can join your club... I have 3 cats: two boys, Chuky (9years old) and Morocho (9-10 months old), and a little girl, Abril (9-10 months old too).
Thank you for your comment on my blog! I think google has a page translator, but it's not so good, maybe you can try it... But don't worry, I'm thinking about posting in english too in the future. I'm working in that, because I'm having many visitors who speak english, so soon I'm gonna start posting in both idioms. I'm not an expert translator, but I will give it a try! :P

Lots of kisses and hugs!

Ingrid said...

Thanks for adding Arthur to the blogroll ! Now Mr. Gattino is very jalous, he wants to play card with the cats, but as he is only a human, he has to stay at home and clean litter boxes !

Boy said...

Can I be in it?
I'm MANcat enough aren't I?

Oh...and can I send The Thing at mine house to the M-Cats-In-Twaining Gwoup? I think he needs to wearn how to behave wike a mancat! I mean...asking whether he wooks pwetty or not is just so totawwy wwong isn't it?

Rhiannon said...

Churchill say's "getz me out of this hospital , so i can join this club and watch the Daytona 500 wiff my new parents"

Irishcoda said...

The boys in the gang totally want to join, too:



Anonymous said...

It's about time us man-cats got our own place to hang. Thanks! Cool bloggie!

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh boy, this was on my list of Things-To-Do and then Momma misplaced my list and I'm all behind! I gotta get me a membership, since I am a pretty tough Mancat.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

We would like to be mancats-in-training, please!!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh wow oh wow, oh wow! I need to be part of this club! p-p-p-please?

Quilt Granny said...

This is cool. My man peep has a place to go where he gets to hang out and do man things too. He calls it "the garage" and the lady peep doesn't go there ever...except occsionally when he out of town to meetings, she goes there to put the garbage out. I'd really like to be a member of this club....and so would Phinney except that of course he'd have to be a man cat in training.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

The Feline Americans STILL wanna join the M-Cats Club. Please sign up Cocoa Puff, Sparky Fuzzypants, Pumpkin, and Lucky Charmz.

Cecil the Cougar: said...

I think I am very manly even though I am only 6 and 1/2 months old, but rules are rules. Please, I would like to be an m-cat in training!

No girls allowed!!

admin said...

Bunjie: can I as the leader of meaouwy troops join M-Cats Club too? I'm the only mancat here, other members are young mancat, oh great I need to hang around with guys, too many female around me;)


Java's Coffee House said...

I'm a mancat I wants to join!


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi, I want to be in the mancat clubs. I am a mancat, but my sistar is dominates our bloggy. but I did get my own spot on our bloggy at:



Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

OKeedokee!!! Mr Tigger, we iz here & furry eggzited abouts joinin' da M-Cats Club!!! - Dr Tweety

Yes Mr Tigger, I think that the BUrmese Security Council will be very impressed by my membership. I hope Kellie likes that I am joining. - Maximillian

We iz gonna sendz our pix rights away!!! Tanks again Tigger!

Clarissa said...

Hey guys - their are SIX man-cats are my house. My brothers are Sable, Bandit, Batman, Memphis, Puff, & Spunky. They would love to be members of the M-Cat Club.

Clarissa & Co.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey, I am plannin a mousie hunt at my yard fer only M-Club mancat members! Its time we start doin some adventures and this is my idea.

The Big Thing was complainin today about all the moles and voles and mousies, so I figured, WOW, why not combine pleasure with helpin him!

I'll be the host, of course. Food is mousies of several kinds. Drink will be chicken-flavored broth and plain water. There are nip plants in the yard an inside.

I propose to use Chatzy for telportin to the safe fenced-in backyard. Efen indoor cats would be safe here (and The Big Thing will be out wif us fer additional safety.

So, before I set it up on Chatzy is any mancat innerested? I think a Thursday would be a good night for the adventure.

Maybe post about the idea to see if there is interest? I think if there are five/ten mancats innerested, it would be worth doin fer a few hours.

Lets get some mancat adventure stuff goin here!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Skeeter, it's Socks here. A moles and voles and mousies hunt sounds ideal. Don't think I can make it this week though. ~Take Care, Socks

mog said...

Meowza, Bazel and Keefe are mancats although Keefe is a bit old for the club scene. The others would like to join. Sounds like fun.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Caesar's Birthday is April 15, 1991
his gotcha day was... um.. same as mine of course, uh...June 27, 1991

Tyler said...

We have one mancat me!!! And one in training, Jake. This is so exciting. See you all soon I hope.

Mr. Echo said...

I wood like to join too!

My birthday is Febrooairy 24
My gotcha day is June 3

Kismet said...

I am the original man cat! I hope this means I am allowed to join!

The Crew said...

Hey Tigger, we want to ask about Father's Day plans at the club. Can all members can bring their dad, brother, uncle or grampa as a special guest so they can relax and enjoy their day. Will there be a secret password or something so no girls sneak in? With all the carousing that'll be going on, we don't want to offend any of the ladies!

George & Max

Sweets the Cat said...

I am a very manly man-cat. Can I join?

Colby and Cheddar said...

Hey, we want to join! It's like the he-man women-haters club! (Mom says maybe you are all too young to remember that.) We stopped in to say Happy Birfday to Mr. Tigger and find out what M-cat meant, and now we know: can we please, pretty please join?

Aloysius said...

Hey, I must have been napping for the last few months. But now I'm awake and I would love to join the M-Cats Club.

My birthday is March 9 & my Gotcha Day is September 12.


I want to join cuz I am a Man Cat.
I am the only Mancat in the house.
My Purthday is May 5th. Don't
know gotcha day. My name is
Spooky Do - I also do Midnight
Mondays at HP. My other place is where
I will do Mancat Monday. Purrs!

Anonymous said...

I did not receive my personal invitation! I am, of course, deeply offended.

I think someone interferes with my mail

Sweet Purrfections said...

Just a little lady-cat visiting the M-cats club.

The Island Cats said...

Please! We want to join the ManCats Club! But don't let Zoey in...she's a girl-cat...and she's annoying sometimes!

Wally & Ernie
The Island Cats

Ellen Whyte said...

Can we join? Target and Au are both retired gentlemen cats living in Malaysia...

Karen said...

Can I please Join the M-cats. I know I am in training.


Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Hey Mr. Tigger! Sure, I'd love to join! Let me know where to send my head shot... my email address is evergreen.undefined at Fanks! I'm very excited!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We wanted to let you guys know that there is a wake for Emil. Since he was a little M Cat, we thought you all might want to know (or post about it). Please stop by "" and help us celebrate the life of our little friend.

Opus and Roscoe
ps. Please spread the word.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hi, sure we want to join! Tyco, Tinker, Toy, Tang, Setzer & Cherokee AKA...The Cat Street Boyz

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Since I am the new mancat here I would like to join.


The Island Cats said...

We are mancats and definitely should be part of the club!!!

Wally & Ernie

Liss said...

Hey, I think this is something Nixon and Fatty need to joing. They've been asking about it.

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare You, All You M-Cats Club Members!!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Details on our blog.
I hope all members will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
If you could mention it on the blog....? I'd appreciate that!!!

Pumpkin said...

I fink me and Tiger and Bebe need a place to hang owt ware we're not bother by the noo GERL poodins who moved in recently. Thare all offur the howse!


Us4 Cats said...

Okay , dont stone me yet as my mom is new to kitty bloggn, but M-cats means Male, correct?

If so, join me up. I am the only male cat in a household of four felines!!!!!


by the way mom says thank you for recently visitig her blog.

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

Hey Dudes! I would totally love to join the M-Cats Club. I am a 3-year old handsome tabby and white mancat. I was just gotchaed, so my gotcha day is Sept. 15th. I did my first Mancat Monday today. I'm so jazzed by all this bloggin' thing. Now if I can only figure out a way to sneak outside then my personal massage therapist isn't looking...

Anonymous said...

We want to join too. When can we come hang out?

Smokey and Tiger

Niko and Cloud said...

I would like to join. I am a mancat-in-training. I just have to lern how to werk these training weels.

Mr.Anonymous said...

cool blog, how do u join, how do u get so many hits on ya blog????

Whimpurr said...

We would luff to join! Our M-Cats are Redfurd, Boots and Pepper. Our M-Cats in training are Percy Nicey, Cheeto, Frito and Thai! ~ Purrs~

Anonymous said...

I totally want to join!

Mom helped me send a picture of me for my badge.

tahtimbo said...

Koko would love to join. I'll try and get a good picture of him to you very soon:) But until then, he's looking at you on the right-->

Unknown said...

helloz!! me is man cats and me want to joinz!! mai name is Goma, himalayan kittehz!! fanks yey!

The Island Cats said...

We left a comment awhile ago about wanting to join...we even sent our pictures. But we have not heard if we are members or not. We wanna be in the M-Cats Club!

Wally & Ernie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We sadly announce that M-Cat Skeeter went over the Bridge today. It was an easy and peaceful passing...

LC and Ayla

Cafe Cats said...

Help! I'm surrounded by girl cats and a kitten!


Grahamn Kracker said...

Well, there are two women cats here, and three man cats, all of whom are swishing their tails, so I assume that means they ought to join:

Jim Slim Manytoes

Margaret Cloud said...

You can join me up, thanks. I am wishing you a very Happy New Year.

Amanda said...

Love the blog. So many beautiful cats!If you like, come and see my two little kitties:

Tuck said...

I'd like to join too! I can be a mancat in training...cause I'm still a little guy!

Anonymous said...

Can i join pwease? Iz a very manly mancat. I think this really iz the place fur me since i live with 4 gurlz! 1 gurkcat, 2 rabbit girls and 1 hoomin gurl.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to join. I'd like a place were I can have some piece from my sister.


ChangingCourseAgain said...

MMMMMM-ROWWW. Even though they are not yet a year old, my boys insist that they are indeed the manliest of man-cats. Please can they join.

Albert & Elvis

in need of some man friends at

Country Cats said...

Hello! Kaleb & Teal'c would like to join :)

Unknown said...

What happened?! Did I miss the sign on the door? Oh me oh my. I just had to snoop around. I guess the boys deserve their own special club. What a great idea!

Anya said...

I want join the M-Cats club :))
I have a cat fun blog (@^.^@)
Kareltje is not a maincat but he will join the club HEHE
I hope we have a lot of fun ;)

Anonymous said...

Can me join the club? I am new to blogging and would love to meet other cats that blog. Can't wait to place a badge on my blog!

Cocoa avec une Guimauve said...

My bean Lily promised accounts for my brothers D'Artagnan and Locket, so if you'd add them, they'll come over and play often! It would give my sister Buster and me a break.

Hugs and kisses,

Cocoa avec une Guimauve

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

I am SUCH a ManCat!! I like being a ManCat too!! I'll be two years old on June 12...PURRS!

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Just tell me where to put my pawprint, cause I would luv to be a member of this fine group. I'm a young lad of 17 and will have my 18 birthday in April. Oh, and my baby brother needs to go into training. He just a little squirt who won't be having his first birthday till next August.

Thanks for considering us for your group!


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Hi, I would love to join your club, and have some Mancat friends to learn from.

Thank you,

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Sandusky would like to join too! Except for Monty dog he is surrounded by girls!!

natalia said...

We are joining !

guylaine said...

Bonjour, voici mma participation pour ce cat-blogging :
Merci, bon dimanche !

The Monkeys said...

Hi, I'm Samson and definitely a Mancat. I'd love to join :)

Kate said...

Congratulations for your blog!
Very nice!

If you are interested in echanging links....
All about cats!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hey guys - Floyd and Kirzon would love to join the M-Cats club, and Virgil would love to be an M-Cat in training (until 7/4 when he turns one)! Lola is sad that she can't join, but she is a girl.


Anonymous said...

My momma will send a photo of me taday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and posting a comment. You're welcome back anytime. It's great people like you that will help me make this blog #1. Thanks again.
So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Happeee Birfday Mr Tigger!!!! Happee 9th Birfday!!! We iz egg-zactlee da same age!!! I shoulda known dis... all da good kitteez iz 9. Well, mebbe abouts 50 percent of 'em.
Yum... iz dats ham????
Mini???? Doze roateed chix-henz are deelish. (((nom nom nom. HIC!!))) & da niptiniz aren't bad either!!!!

Confucius Cat said...

Hi: Thanks for stopping by I'm all about a club for male cats as I am one. Very cute photos. Particularly like the black cat pic. I'll be back.
Confucius Cat aka Alley Mason

curator said...

Hi Maverick, Mr Tigger and ...uh oh...I forgot somebody :(
I wanted to drop by and thank you for your kind thoughts when we lost Sally at the Museum. Warmest wishes to you for a happy summer!

Anonymous said...

where do you get the badge again?

Bruce said...

I'm a mancat too!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Guys, we wanted to have our new baby join (since his big brothers are members). Barney's gotcha day is 6/17/09 - not sure of his birthday but it was round May 16, 2009. He would like to be in training for now!


We want to join!! Woohoo! No gurlz allowed, their are 2 cats Boris,Ludwig,(BOYS)

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

i would love to be in the club but i may be too young still. i guess that makes me a mancat in training. when i grow up i am going to me a awesome m-cat for sure!

King Valrohna said...

Thank you fur stopping by my blog. I promise I'm a mancat (even though I have non-mancat bowls), so I would love to join your club.


Dear Mr. Tigger, Jojo my cousin who lives with uncle Murilo, would like very much to join the Club is that possible? (He receives the email in my blog.)_Thank´s and purrs .Boris

Brian's Home Blog said...

I have 3 sister...and would love to join. Brian

Tiki and Mowzer said...

hi, tiki here, i would like to jon and so would my sidekick, mowzer

Debra Taylor said...

Thanks for commenting at my blog, Samantha, Mr. Tigger and Maverick.

There will be stories on this blog as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.
Would you add me to your blog list?
Thank you,

Kitty McCormack said...

Do you know of a "F-Cats Club" for the opposite sex for my 2 female kittens, Xanthe and Nishiko? Kitty x

EROS - Deus do Amor e da Família said...

Hello!Hello! I am happy for being my follower. In my blog below is a translator, in order to see the blog in English!

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

MR. TIGGER -----
August 8 birthday of
Wu Zetiân
"BEAUTY TWO YEARS OLD".Thank´s Boris and Lud

VetTech said...

I am the proud Mama of 3 Man Cats and Miss cat too!

Cindy said...

Henry wants to join too! He is s mancat for sure.

Missy B. said...

Pardon me, but can an old gent like me join in the fun? My name is Charlie but I am also known as "Fluff", "Monsieur Fluff" and "Bad Motherfluffer". There is a picture of me on The Woman's blog page;

EROS - Deus do Amor e da Família said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to join in on the ManCat club

Lil Man

Cindy said...

Henry is on ManCat monday


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment & getting back w/ me - Here's a page from my blog of a few pics of LiL MaN -

Pet Stain Remover said...

You can count me in!

CATS 4 MEOWS said...


OneCatsNip said...

Hi alls, My name is Tygana and I'm a fellow mancat and would likes to join your club. Thank you

Unknown said...

I have three cats, two girl cats, Sara & Cajsa and one boy-cat, Calle.
Well, I think Calle qualifies as a man-cat; he is nine and a half years old!
Calle does nor blog himself, but he makes appearances on Sara's blog: "SaraKatt skriver/Sara Cat writes".
Best wishes
("Anna's Adornments"

Marg said...

Well all of us man cats here would like to join this great looking club. It would be great to have some men friends.

Beth said...

Love your pic and your badge! Now you are a kitty with CAT-itude! You rock!
Beth and Gracie (^.^)

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

We love the blog. So beautiful cats!
And we still missing MR .TIGGER .Lots of love !!!!

Rusty said...

I thought I was already a member of the M-Cats Club, but I don't see me listed as a member. Guess I'll have to take my M-Cats member logo off my blog.


We needs a Mancat badge for Anakin
Andrae but your e-mail on your page
came back not working!?
Thanks Jewelgirls Katz :)
(Spooky Do's Mom)

Unknown said...

"M-Cats Club" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors (not to mention potential members!) here.

Lynx217 said...

We too would like to join... even though Nimbus is quite the "good" cat and I'm quite "naughty"... good bonding time for an alpha mancat and his nephew, right? Not like the boy's mom is very nice to him anyway.

Curzon (with Nimbus)

Boom Nisanart said...

We just found out , Puddy is a man cat !
He would love to join your club

Everyday Mr Puddy

Mr Puddy said...

Hello, My mom just found out I'm a boy not a girl. I would like to join your club so bad to announce " I'm a Man Cat not Girl !!!!! "


Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You :-)


Clooney said...

I'm George Clooney...Hello! and I mean Seriously...I needs to be part of theese club.

A Tonl said...

MOMMY! Howzs come you never TOLD us about this? We TOTALLY needs to be in da mancats club (NO GIRLZ ALLOWED- THAT MEANZ U ALLIE!)

sign us up pls!

FaRADaY & Maxwell, Ryker's Boyz

Cat Mandu said...

I'd like to join. I am a big man cat (2 years old).

Unknown said...

I am now officially a Man Cat!
Kozmo at the Cat From Hell

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting Kizzie's blog. Well, Kizzie is obviously not a man cat, so won't be joining, but we have found your blog interesting all the same.

Nicole said...

I will check out your other blogs soon!

3-27 tomaro

Just Ducky said...

Hello, we noticed that Ducky isn't a member of the M-Cats Club.

Can you please add him? Thanks and purrs.