we are so sorry, that it took us so long to finish all the badges you requested. Momma helped us to make them. If your badge is still not included we are sorry to say we did not get your email and it got lost due to technical problems we had with our email address since September 2008.
So if this is the case please once again be patient with us and send your headshot to us again to catboys[AT]paulchens[DOT]org, we promise to answer within 2 days.
M-Cat Badges:

M-Cat-in-training Badges:

Pee Ess: Thanks so much to Mom Robyn who was helping with the badges :)
Thank you very match for my badge
miauwwwwwww miouwwwww miauuuwww
=^.^= Kareltje
We are cock-a-hoop, over-da-moon, thrilled-to-bits and mega-excited at getting our badges - THANK YOU!. Alfie is particularly insufferable because he’s only 5 months old so can be a Nearly-ManCat member for ages - where as I will be an official mancat in just one month’s time.
Milo and Alfie xx
Yay thank you!
Uh Oh, where's my badge?!
Thank you so much for my awesome badge! I have posted it proudly on our blog. We do have a very handsome group of Mancats!
Wow, look at all the Man-cats! Madison says thank you so much for his badge! He's very proud of it.
How COOL. WE gotta get some of those badges too...we will send our headshots to you now!
Yay! Thanks! We are offishul now!! We got them on our blog!
Tamir loves his badge - he's showing it off on our blog today!! Thank you!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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