Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday Mr. Tigger

Maverick & Me have been planning Mr. Tigger's Birthday Party all week! Please stop by and have some fun while we celebrate with him today!! Grab a hat and a gift!!
Come on in and have a seat!
Bloo Tuna Gizzy Punch! Ham & Chicken!!Hot Dogs!Popcorn!
Ask for sushi from Chef Wong!!
Cat CAKE!!!


Cory said...

Wow, I get to grab a hat! Fun! I brought some cat nip to share!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mr Tigger...*smack-smack* We wanted to wish yoo a happy purrthday wif some purrthday kisses! Speedy sez we can't hang around but we think maybe he just doesn't want us here!
Happy Purrthday Mr Tigger and a squillion more...gess my sisfurs could stay fur one drink and a nom.

Milo and Alfie said...

What great food - we love it. We love the music too. happy Birthday Mr Tigger. Let's party!!!!

The Cat Realm said...

O wow - what a party - our hips are swinging.... Happy Birthday - a PARTY!!!! we love parties, and this is a good one!!!
Head boppin - hip swinging - yeah yeah yeah
Let's celebrate our one and only Mr. Tigger!!!
The Cat Realm

Bruce said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Tigger!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy purrfday Mr.Tigger. We've brought you some real Yookay mousies. Great party! We're going to have some shrimp and a Blue Toona Gizzy each.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Howdy Maverick, I am Fenris. It's nice to see another doggie. Happy Birthday Mr. Tigger. ~Fenris

Hey everyone, this food looks pawsome. Happy Birthday Mr. Tigger. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for coming to celebrate with me!! Everyone is welcome even the girl cats today!!
Hi 5 paw,
Mr. Tigger

Rusty said...

What a GREAT pawty, Mr. Tigger! I'm good an hungry too and the food looks good! Happy birthday!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Wow, great party. Way to go Sam n Maverick! I brought some of our primo nip for you Mr. Tigger. Happy Purrthday.
Hey, somecat keep Mini from eating the whole cake in one bite. Oh, that's a BIG cake. I don't think even Mini could do that. NM.
I have to go pick up Sabrina now that I've delivered my sisfurs. Be back in a bit and get a pawty hat.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Happy Birthday! This is such a great party that Samantha and Maverick planned for you!! The food all looks great, and the music rocks!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

WOOOO HOOOO. I'm bringing my girlfriendcat Sanjee wif me!! - Miles

GREAT PAWTY!!! ::sips bloo tuna gizzy::- AHHH great drink - Sammy

::chugs bloo toona gizzy:: MORE PLEASE!!!! YEAH!! PARTY!!! - Billy

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Happy Birthday Mr.Tigger. Samantha and Maverick sure know how to throw a pawty. The hats are cool, and everything looks like fun. Are you having a good time Mr. Tigger?

Cat with a Garden said...

The shrimps are delicious! And efurryone looks so funny with their hats on. Fun party! Happy Birthday again, Mr. Tigger!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Happeee Birfday Mr Tigger!!!! Happee 9th Birfday!!! We iz egg-zactlee da same age!!! I shoulda known dis... all da good kitteez iz 9. Well, mebbe abouts 50 percent of 'em.
Yum... iz dats ham????
Mini???? Doze roateed chix-henz are deelish. (((nom nom nom. HIC!!))) & da niptiniz aren't bad either.
I tinks I said dia all twice (in da postee above) but what da heck, I cant's ebfun remember my own name after a nip (HIC!) tini!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

What a great party!!! Happy Birthday Mr Tigger!!! The Bloo Tuna Gizzy Punch is great. We brought some nip and some ham too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Tigger.

We may not have very much to eat, but we love some of the music you selected, so we may listen awhile!

Flamincatdesigns said...

Happy B-Day Mr. Tigger!
Pass the nip our way.

pawty! pawty! pawty!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Happy Happy Birthday Mr Tigger from all of us!!

a little belated cause we were not online yesterday.

we hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!

love and smooches and scritches and all!

catsynth said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Mr. Tigger!
We added an announcement to weekend cat blogging.

Judi said...

Happy birthday, Mr. Tigger! You've put together a great playlist.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Thank you for all the hard work you have done for the birthday party! Happy Birthday to Mr. Tigger! Sandusky says he hopes he wasn't too late for some of that Bloo Tuna Gizzy Punch!

Anonymous said...

Kewel par-tay! We wishez youz a Happy Birfday wif many, many more ta come in front of youz!

We put on our dancin' shoez an' are all set ta dance all weekend☺