Stop on by Kimo & Sabi's House Trashing Party today!
But don't let Mommakitty know!!

Please send your purrs and purrayers to Skeeter and his family!
July M-Cats BD/GD
Sparky Fuzzypants GD 3, 1998
Kimo & Sabi BD 4, 2004
Skeeter BD 4, 1992
George BD 10, 1997
Dragonheart BD 15, 2006
Simon BD 15, 1006
Earl Grey BD 31, 2005
If your BD/GD is in July and not on this list, please leave a comment and we will add it to the list. Thanks Mr. Tigger
COOl! A hangout just for me!
I'm sending lots of purrs to Skeeter. Lots and Lots.
House trashing is an artform.
purrs purrs purrs to Skeeter,
Auntie Spooker
Poor Skeeter - I'm purring super hard for him!
I'm heading over to the big House Trashing party right now!
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