Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Cat Blogging at the M-Cats Club

Please leave your link in the comment section below and we will post them as the Weekend goes by!!
Have a wonderful day!
Mr. Tigger and the M-Cats

And for your listening enjoyment, we present
the Jingle Cats!!
Welcome to Weekend Cat Blogging # 185
Our Christmas Edition
We will keep adding posts as they come in!
This Christmas Edition starts with Derby's Christmas Tree!! Looks like a lot of work is needed, but there is still time!!
Check out Kiddo's cousins!! He brought them both some Christmas presents!
Awwwww.......we can see that Scrappycat at Sidewalk Shoes is enjoying her Christmas tree!
Tristan from Tabbylicious has already got one Christmas present! He must have been a good boy!
Phoebe, a Siamese Cat is putting her paws up! All that Christmas shopping is hard work!
Fridolin at Rosa's Yummy Yums is waiting patiently for Christmas to come! Only 4 more days!!
Yippee!! Luna from CatSynth has come home just in time for Christmas! We know Amar is excited, too!
We can see that Cece and Meowza at Mind of Mog are singing Catmas Carols to Mz. Mog!! I am sure she will give them some treats for their efforts!
Samantha, GDB, Santy Claws and I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
Piloselle at absolutely green is checking out the Christmas "Lussekatter", which means Lucie's cat!! Looks yummy to us!!
Awwww........Christmas Secret Paws!!! Whicky Wuuder at Everycat got his and is sharing them with his brothers and sisters! Isn't that what Christmas is all about?
Meet Elora from Finding Sirius! She gives comfort to her Mom after a long day at work or Christmas shopping!
The Cats from there favorite place on the cupboard and Brigitte from Melrose Cafe want to wish us all Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
And for a Wonderful Christmas Story, please stop buy at Diamond's Holly Daze (Part 1)! Twas the week before Christmas.................


Just Ducky said...

Stop by and see all of the snow, and the not decorated tree.

Kiddo said...

Come see pics of my cousins!


pam said...

I love jingle cats!

My entry for this week is Scrappycat under the tree:

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

Two purresents, hog wild and a very specail purrthday party! Was this a great week or what?

Phoebe said...

My paws are up for the weekend!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Thanks for hosting WCB!

Here's my link:

Cheers and Happy Holidays!


catsynth said...

Here is our post for this weekend. Luna is finally home!

Happy Holidays!

mog said...

Thanks for hosting, looking real Chrissymoussy.

My entry

Mr. Echo said...

We haff the Jingle Cats at our bloggy too, but our Mommy and our sisfur sing with them too. Haff a good Krissmiss!

Virginie said...

Hi. Thanks for hosting this weekend. I posted some pics of my cat Piloselle here :

Everycat said...

Thanks for hosting WCB, This is our first entry and it's about Whicky's Secret Paws package!

Andrea said...

Hi! Thanks for hosting wcb!! :)

Here is my link for this week:

Brigitte said...

Thanks for hosting cat blogging
You will find my participation here
I translate it for you :-)
Happy holidays and merry christmas

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

We wanted to say thank you for your purrs for Peanut. Sorry it took us so longs to get over here, Peanut has taken up allot of our humans time, witch is okay wif us as long as she gets bettur. We would likes to be furr buddies if you wants to. Hope you are having a purrfect Sundays.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Part 1 of our Holly Day Extravaganza posted on Thursday with Part 2 due out on Christmas. It's furry special, so make sure you don't miss it!