Our fellow Mancat Kashim burned his paws by accident today. He's feeling pretty bummed about having his paws in bandages, so I thought I'd bring him over to have some nip-beer or mother's milk. Anycat who wants to cheer up our buddy Kashim is welcome (even girlcats) and send him some purrs please. Help yourself to the drinks and there's snax too.
~~The Pepster
~~The Pepster
*slides Kashim a nip beer and a m other's milk*
There you go bro. Take your pick. Or both. hehehe
*holds up glass of nip beer*
here's to your paws healing up fast bro! *slurps down some nip beer*
Oh, Kashim, what a bummer! Here, buddy, rest your paws and I'll hold up a nip beer for you to sip on. Make you feel better!
Oh Kashim! Poor guy! I will purr for you!
thank you guys. I am feeling better now. I feel kinda stupid and embarrassed too, what was I finking?
*slurps the mothers milk*
Rocky, we just have to keep his glass really full so he doesn't have to lift it with his paws. I fink we can manage that hehe
Here Kashim, have some more.
Kashim, Sam & I are here to help yopu feel better! So sorry about the burnt paws!!
Oh sweetie! We are so sorry to hear about your paws. We will purr for you. My momma Ellie said if she still produced milk, she gladly give you some.
Purr, purr, purr for Kashim. Get better soonest.
Sadie sent over a bendy straw so yoo don't hafta hold da glass and can get all da way to da bottom, Kashim, and Zippy sent some nip to help kill da pain...dude, we is all purring fur yoor poor paws.
pray for you! get well soon :)
Awwww pooor Kashim. He needs some lick and snuggles and purrrrs. I am purring that he gets all better soon. Poor kittykins
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