Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to Pierro's First Birthday at the M-Cats Club

SURPRIZE Pierro!! Happy 1st Birthday!

Some Cat Cakes
Our Waiters today are John and Charlie (front) and
Steve and George are our Bartenders (back)
They are here to serve our drinks and food.
Meet Herman Our Chef
And his Staff! They will prepare all our food today!

Help yourself (or get one of the human slaves to help you). There's plenty!
Niptinis and Lizquillas and Singapurr Slings and anything you can imagine. Just ask the human slave bartender to fix it up for you. He can even do a Blue Tuna Gizzy, if you want.
There's also nip punch and fresh water for those who are mancats in training or prefer it.

Some Niptingnon from Karl!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Meow Like A Pirate Day at The M-Cats Club

my pimped pic!Arrrrrg, all me maties at the M-Cats Club. Head on over to the cat o' nine tails and see Cap'n Nels the Cranky and join on in! Thar be food n' spirits n' lots of kitty wenches! Shiver me timbers! Aye, climb aboard and we'll set sail Aye, me parrot concurs.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday with Caesar

This Thursday Caesar shows us that tables are not just for eating on, but also for sleeping on! Thanks Caesar we know all our Beans will appreciate your letting us know this!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos #62 at The M-Cats Club

Welcome to The M-Cats Club your Host for today's.......
Come on in and sit a spell and listen to our music as we present all our Fall Cats! Please watch out for loud music!
We are dedicating this Edition of BKCFOC to Pixie, Daisy's sister who went to the Rainbow Bridge today! All our purrrs and purrrayers are with you!
Loiosh at Om Shanti Handcfafts tells the whole story!
Abby from Manx MNews is looking very lovely this day! Whatcha thinking?
Zorro from House of Chaos was not feeling well and disappeared. They believe he may have gone over to The Rainbow Bridge! Please go by and leave a purrr or two!
Wally & Ernie from The Island Cats are patiently waiting for the mailperson to bring them the latest issue of their favorite magazine! Wonder what it is?
It's Orange Feline's at Sleeping Mommy! Meet Mo & Tommy or Tommy & Mo! Happy Gotcha Day Aloysius! Go by and leave some good cheer for him at Catymology!
Victor Tabbycat & Nina the Torbie went WILD over this bug in a jar! Then tried to decide who got to eat it! Find out who won!
Cece & Meowza from Mind Of Mog are taking it easy this Sunday evening! Wonder what Meowza sees? You can also check out Meowza being adventusome and Cece relaxing!
Check out Cato at Cato For President and his interview with a Member of the Press! Interesting stuff!
Eric & Flynn share their really green grass with us as Flynn hunts and Eric checks out the scenery! We enjoyed the view!
Pepi at House of The Mostly Black Cats says Grandma pets are better that chewing on boxes! We agree with that Pepi! Does she do housecalls?
Luna & Amar at Cat Synth are taking a break this weekend to relax! Sounds like a good idea!
Willow is resting after a night of rain and thunder from Hurricanr IKE and today had 60 degree FALL weather. Please send some of that to us here in Florida. It was 90+ today!!
China Cat is a very pretty fall color and has a very beautiful profile! We hope IKE didn't cause you any trouble!
Thanks for participating in this week's Festival and coming by! Next weeks Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos Host is Miz Mog & Kitties! Have a wonderful FALL!
Mr. Tigger, Samantha & The M-Cats!
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Thanks for stopping by this weeks Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos #62-Fall Edition! Have wonderful FALL! Next weeks host is Miz Mog & The Kitties!!