Badges and Header
Kashim & Othello have made us a great looking header and some cool Badges. I'll get them posted soon so you can check them out. We will need a face shot picture of everyone who is a member for the Badges. Please email them to mrtigger9 (at) g mail (dot) (com) or I can come and pick one off your blog. Just let me know which you prefer. Also we will need Birthday/Gotcha days, too. We M-Cats love to party! Thanks again everyone for joining. To join leave a comment below or in the post at the top!
Mommy said she will email you the picture of me. She is going to send the one in the sidebar as we all think that is the best picture she has of me. I don't like having my picture taken. The camera scares me. It makes a lot of noise when Mommy zooms it in and out.
My birthday is August 19th.
we sended you an email wif your informashun
Mommie will take a gud hed shot an e-mail it to yoo fur my badgey.
Woohoo! How exciting! I think I will send in my "glamour shot." It's a good head shot of me, I think.
We'll get our mum to look up our best headshots and dend them to you.
Mommy will get right on emailing you pictures of us - we'll tell her which one to use!
Jake's birthday is May 1st
Bert's birthday is February 22nd
I'm sending you an email!
Hi Tigger, I just sent you my picture which you can crop as you need to. Plus my other personal information.
This is going to be a great hang out for us ManCat's.
We just emailed you our pictures. It was very hard to choose.
Hi...yeah I know I am a girlkitty but I just wanted you to know that this club is cool. Caesar would have loved being a member and hanging around with all of you big guys.
Otay, Mommie sents yoo mai piccytur but she furgot da rest of da stuffs.
My birfday is June 15th
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