Our First Mancat Monday Post
Princess posted Caesar's ManCat Monday post, please go by and leave a comment. Mr. Tigger
Here I am waiting to pounce on Samantha
as she comes around the corner!
For Mancat Monday's I'd like to showcase a M-Cat and/or M-Cat-in-Training Member every week. You can send it to mrtigger9 (at) g mail (d0t) com or leave a comment in one of the weekly posts that is okay to use yours for the week!
Great photo of you behind the greenery, Tigger!
Good work Tigger - she'll never spot you there - it doesn't hurt to keep your sister on her toes,
I'll try to let Mommy find me doing something worthy of a mancat so she can take my picture, and you can use it.
I caught a rabbit and I think that would have been excellent, but Mommy freaked out and tried to rescue the rabbit.
Mommy said I have to remember to SIGN MY POST.
This is nice that you put a link here. Wowie. Caesar would have loved this club.
Tigger, you are very sneaky! If I were Samantha I would be screaming!!!!!
Well . . . I should probably say something like "How dare you pounce on my princess" but seeing as how I have my own two sisters to keep in line, all I can say is it is tough to be the mancat enforcer, buddy.
What a good hidey spot!
That's a good hidey place, Tigger.
Oh yeah, any time you want to post one of Caesar's remember blogs you can. He would be proud. Kind of like an old picture of a great friend on the wall
Ohh that's sneaky! We both try that on Pearl, but she usually pounces us first - those torties are sneaky!
I finally did a mancat post.
You may use it, if you like. Since I don't like having my picture taken Mommy says she doesn't know when I'll be able to do another one.
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