Also can you go by and leave a few purrrs and purrayers to Vladimir, he got bit by a Tiger Snake and is in the Pet Hospital!!
Wow!! Today is the M-Cats Club 1st Blogoversary!! I want to thank everyone who is a Member, all our Commenters and Fans! It has been a wonderful year and a sad year. Our 1st Post was to our wonderful furiend Caesar who went to the Rainbow Bridge the very first day we opened the Club! When I first wanted to start the Club, Caesar was the first one to say Go Ahead! I dedicated this Club to HIM and he will always be in our hearts and Memories! He was a great ManCat and we all strive to be like him!!
We have done 153 posts, Competed in the Dayona 500, hosted Othello's Bachelor Party, Had a Super Bowl Party, Have a Card Room, Our Own Club House, Our Own staff, a Mouse Hunt and a TV/Game Room! We have also sadly lost 10 Members this year! I am working on a Rainbow Bridge Memorial for them!
So let's all come and Celebrate our 1st Year and Many more to come!!! There is food, a cake and Drinks for all!! Just ask the staff for whatever you need. Also Girl Cats are allowed for this special occasion! Thanks for being here!
Let's Party!!

Please go HERE!
Birthday/Gotcha Day Updates for the M-Cats Club! Please go HERE!
Welcome Everyone!! Come on in! Have some food & something to drink! Just ask the staff for whatever you need! Thanks for coming to the M-Cats 1st Blogoversary!
Hi 5 paw,
Mr. Tigger
What a pawsome party! Look at that Cake!!! and HAMMMMMMM!!!!!!
ConCatulations to the M-Cats Club on it's 1st Blogoversary!!!
M-Cats member Tamir (and Sniffie and the Florida Furkids)
Wow Mr. Tigger this is a great spread. Sorry I haven't been by the club more. ~Socks
Thanks for letting us girls come celebrate with you guys today. All you mencats are pawsome. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Wow- Mom scheduled my surjery on the day of the party!! No fair! Let me out of this vet cage!
Cloud says not to worry though, she is at the party sending my best wishes and bringing me home a niptini for me to enjoy tomorrow.
Hooray for Blogoversary parties! Woot Woot!!!
I brawt my sisfurs just to show dem dat dis is not what dey think it is...just a bunch of mancats in recliners wif nip and temptations all over der bellies. Dey is properly impressed. Now, let's party!
Arthur loves the party but misses his Belgian beer !
Mr. Tigger, you've done a great thing here. I can't believe it has been a whole year since Caesar went to the Bridge.
Lets have a toast in his name. Here's to Caesar! The ultimate Mancat.
Wow Wee - what a party! Concatulations M-Cats and happy Blogaversary to us all!
Bert and Jake
Hi All,
Herbie, Midnight and Dani here,
Mombean says when it gets a bit warmer later this afternoon, we can tellyport over for the party! We had snow this morning and it is still near freezing here. In the meantime thanks for the invite and we will be back later this afternoon.
Herbie, Middy, and Dani.
PS Roni's little boy wants to know if he can come too.
Hi Sam, Hi Tigger!
What a great party! Lucy and I are having a great time. The food is yummy.
The Club is very nice and we can see why Bouncie liked to hang out here.
Trixie & Lucy
Hi ya! We're here to par-tay!!! Whoohoo! Where's our nip cigars???
Wally & Ernie
Hi kitties. This club has been great and a perfect club for real mancats!
Congratulations to all mancats and many thanks to you Mr. Tigger for making this blog possible and dedicating it to Caesar is such a great honor to us!
purrrs always
Happy First Blogoversary M-Cats Club! Wowee, we can't believe it has been a year since this wonderful club was started, and we are so honored to be members! And we are going to partake in the wonderful goodies that are being served too! Let's party!!!!!
Purrs and headbutts,
Mancat Sam and Mancat Simon
Aw man, I'm sorry I couldn't get by yesterday for the party. Crazy beans with their in-awe-gu-ray-shuns and stuff. Happy Blogoversary to the M-Cat's Club tho!
Oh man, we missed the big event!!! Is there any food left?
Thanks Tigger, for starting such a great club for us M-Cats. Boy, that year went by fast.
George & Max
Come on in!! We are going to keep this party going!! Yesterday being the Inauguration, a lot of Cats were there. So grab some food and drinks! We also have a band playing so grab your Girlcat and have a good time!
Mr. Tigger
Looks like a real fine party. Mom had a party yesterday forher 40th Birthday and tody is my sisfurr Sara's Gotcha Day!
I'm lovin' all of these parties!
Concats to the M-Cats!
Woo hoo! I'm back! I am not sure I should invite Mini, she'll eat efurryfing. hehehe Oh there she is anyways. Well yall have LOTS of good foods so it will probably be ok.
Yayyy concats to the Mancats Club first blogoversary. We couldn't get here yesterday but we made sure we did today.
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